Zymonic Toolkit Data

From Zymonic

This page contains all of the options for:

sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data

See the manual page for the data toolkit for further details.

Check Database for Valid Characters[edit]

Checks tables and fields for invalid characters - if no table or field are specified the command will process the whole DB or table.

sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters
  • Table ZName[edit]

    The ZName of the table, or all tables if left empty.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --table ZNAME
  • Field ZName[edit]

    The ZName of the field, or all fields present on each table if left empty.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --field ZNAME
  • System[edit]

    The system to be inspected. This parameter is required for the command to work.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --system SYSTEM
  • End Page[edit]

    Last page to process (50 records per page).

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --end_page PAGE
  • Start Page[edit]

    First page to process (50 records per page).

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --start_page PAGE

Clean Database[edit]

Removes autocreated records, deleted records and handles orphan records from tables in system.

sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data db_clean
  • System[edit]

    The system to be inspected. This parameter is required for the command to work.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --system SYSTEM
  • Table ZNames[edit]

    Comma separated list of ZNames of the tables, or '*' for all tables. This parameter is required for the command to work.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --tables ZNAME1,ZNAME2,ZNAME3
  • Username[edit]

    The name of the user with which to get auth for sql database changes. This parameter is required for the command to work.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --user USERNAME
  • Password[edit]

    The password of the user with which to get auth for sql database changes. Use '!' to capture from standard input instead without displaying the password in the shell. This parameter is required for the command to work.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --password PASSWORD
  • Orphan Record Action[edit]

    Action to take on orphan records: i (ignore), d (delete), m (mark as deleted) or n (create new parent).

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --orphan_record_action ARGUMENT
  • Remove Autocreated Records[edit]

    Whether to remove autocreated records: y/n

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --remove_autocreated ARGUMENT
  • Remove Deleted Records[edit]

    Whether to remove deleted records: y/n

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data check_db_for_valid_characters --remove_deleted ARGUMENT


When using a terminal to run zymonic_toolkit.pl the user will see prompts that contain the same information that is found within this manual.

sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data help
  • Command[edit]

    The specific command to show help for. If not set then shows help for all commands.

    sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Data help --command COMMAND