Zymonic Messaging System

From Zymonic
Revision as of 09:30, 27 September 2022 by Amasidlover (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Zymonic Messaging System= The Zymonic Messaging system is designed to have a daemon that accepts incoming messages (Emails, SMS etc.) and attaches them to processes and an outgoing messaging system. As it stands the outgoing messages can only be generated using <pre><Action class="SendMessage"></pre> - the system has had an early test and parts of the infrastructure it added are in use in the EmailReport action but is not yet production ready.")
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Zymonic Messaging System

The Zymonic Messaging system is designed to have a daemon that accepts incoming messages (Emails, SMS etc.) and attaches them to processes and an outgoing messaging system.

As it stands the outgoing messages can only be generated using

<Action class="SendMessage">

- the system has had an early test and parts of the infrastructure it added are in use in the EmailReport action but is not yet production ready.