Prerequisite knowledge

From Zymonic
Revision as of 14:48, 2 April 2019 by Jbree (talk | contribs) (Tidied code)

Zymonic Training Pre-Requisities

System Architects

Ability to read and understand a flow chart

XML Authors

XML basics; elements and attributes XML Schema (XSD)

XSL Authors (Dynamic)

XML basics; elements and attributes HTML design using divs for layout Javascript inc. Object Oriented Javascript

CSS Designers


System Admins

Web server administration Database administration O/S administration


XML The OWASP guidelines

Perl including good understanding of; Object Oriented Perl with inheritance, references, map, grep and regular expressions. Understanding the following program will give a good idea of the key features used by Zymonic:

package animal;

sub new
  my $class = shift;
  my $self  = {@_};
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

sub legs
  return 2;
package cow;

use base "animal";

sub legs
  return 4;
my $farm = [
    pen   => 'a',
    bert  => animal->new,
    billy => cow->new,
    pen => 'b',
    ted => animal->new,
    pen   => 'c',
    frank => cow->new,
print join(
map {
my $pen = $_;
"In pen " . $pen->{pen} . ":\n"
  . join( "\n",
map { $_ . ' has ' . $pen->{$_}->legs . ' legs.' . ( $_ eq 'bert' ? ' It\'s Bert!!' : '' ) }
  grep { $_ ne 'pen' } keys( %{$pen} ) )
  } @{$farm}
 . "\n";

To find out more on developing zymonic, please visit the Developers Area.