Installing Zymonic

From Zymonic

Installing Zymonic[edit]

First checkout Zymonic;

 svn co zymonic-qa

Suggest then using a script much like the following (this is generally saved as /usr/local/bin/zymobuild):

 use Cwd;
 my $current = cwd;
 my $zymonic_dir = "/root/zymonic-qa/";
 my $cgibin = "/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/";
 my $htmldir = "/var/www/localhost/htdocs/";
 my $apachemoduledir = "/etc/apache2/modules.d/";
 chdir($zymonic_dir . "modules/Zymonic");
 print "Doing SVN Update...\n";
 system ("svn update " . $zymonic_dir);
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 1: make clean \n";
 system ("make clean");
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 2: perl Makefile.PL\n";
 system ("perl Makefile.PL");
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 3: make\n";
 system ("make");
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 3a: make test\n";
 #system ("make test"); 
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 4: make install\n";
 system ("make install");
 chdir($zymonic_dir . "modules/ZymonicMP");
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 1: make clean \n";
 system ("make clean"); 
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 2: perl Makefile.PL\n";
 system ("perl Makefile.PL"); 
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 3: make\n";
 system ("make"); 
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 3a: make test\n"; 
 #system ("make test");
 print "\n\n";
 print "Step 4: make install\n";
 system ("make install");
 print "Step 5: copying to $cgibin\n";
 system("cp cgi-bin/ " . $cgibin);
 print "Step 6: copying scripts to $htmldir\n";
 system("cp javascript/* " . $htmldir); 
 print "Step 7: copying stylesheets to $htmldir\n";
 system("cp stylesheets/* " . $htmldir); 
 print "Step 8: copying mod_perl config to $apachemoduledir\n";
 system("cp modules/ZymonicMP/conf/*.conf " . $apachemoduledir);

Noting that:

1) the output of the perl Makefile.PL should be checked and any 'prerequisites' should be installed using 'perl -MCPAN -e shell' then "install [prerequisites]".

1a) Certain modules particularly the *Apache::* modules will not install through CPAN and will probably need to be installed through your operating systems package manager.

2) the apache config include file was created for Gentoo and may need some changes for your system - it also _requires_ that mod_perl be installed and working.


Everything goes in pretty clean - make sure to use portage for perl modules where you can (especially the apache ones). Plus there is a ZYMONIC variable that is used to turn on Zymonic mod_perl version in /etc/conf.d/apache2


Required Repositories[edit]

  • Rpmforge
  • EPEL
  • Centos-Base

Required Packages[edit]

  • httpd-devel
  • mod_perl-devel
  • openssl-devel
  • perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime
  • perl-DateTime
  • gcc
  • perl-GraphViz
  • subversion
  • perl-Crypt-SSLeay
  • perl-libapreq2.i386
  • perl-DBD-MySQL.i386


saxon needs downloading from their site, to opt


You then need to download sun's jre from their site


and execute it

 sudo chmod a+x /opt/java.rpm.bin
 sudo ./opt/java.rpm.bin

any reference to 'saxon8' in the zymobuild can now be replaced with java -jar /opt/saxon9he.jar


Add -D PERL -D ZYMONIC into the OPTIONS varialbe in:


Then run /usr/local/bin/zymobuild (copied from existing script) and install needed modules through CPAN.