Creating a New System

From Zymonic
Revision as of 10:54, 16 September 2020 by (talk) (→‎Steps to Setting Up a New System)
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Assumming that you have run the zymobuild installer, and so the Zymonic Core is set up correctly. The following steps are needed to create a new zymonic system (my example system name will be 'new_system' for clarity):

Steps to Setting Up a New System[edit]

  1. Create a new directory for the system in /etc/zymonic/:
    sudo mkdir /etc/zymonic/new_system
  2. Create a database for the system using the MySQL prompt (usually with the same name as the system):
    CREATE DATABASE new_system
  3. Copy the file SystemOptions.xml from trunk, or from an existing system, and change the DB option in the file, to the name of the DB you created:
  4. Symbolic link core zymonic xml files, from trunk:
    sudo ln -s [repo location]/xml/Zymonic*.xml /etc/zymonic/[new system]


    sudo ln -s /root/trunk/xml/Zymonic*.xml /etc/zymonic/new_system

    Also need to explicitly link in page permissions xml:

    sudo ln -s [repo location]/xml/ZymonicDefaultPermissions_xml /etc/zymonic/[new system]ZymonicDefaultPermissions.xml
  5. Symbolic link in the system xml that you require (this is to get pages from other systems you already have XML for, replace path to xmlwith the filepath to the system xml you desire), e.g. ecommerce, ztsm, zcrsytal, etc..
    sudo ln -s [path to xml]/*.xml /etc/zymonic/[new system]


    sudo ln -s /root/zcps-medoc-dev/ecommerce/xml/*.xml /etc/zymonic/new_system

    N.B. Some systems may have a file *default_permissions.xml, if this is present then remove the link ZymonicDefaultPermissions.xml from the previous step.

  6. Run a full config build on the system:
    sudo System config_build --system new_system --full yes
  7. To create a new admin user for the system, run the create admin command:
    sudo System create_admin --system new_system --username [username]

Known System Issues[edit]

Known System Issues
Please click here for more details
74878 Security on fap table
74666 Autocreating tables sometimes fails
74666 role_permissions population issue
83904 Page list issue
Triaging Limits on adding pages
Triaging Creating superuser permissions issue