Connecting Superset

From Zymonic

Connecting Superset

"Apache Superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform" - Zymonic Systems can be configured such that selected filters can be denormalised (all data cisible to the user in a filter stored in a single table for fast access and filtering) and single sign on to Superset can be achieved with Zymonic's OAuth server capability.

Installation and Connection

The installation and connection is designed to be as automated as possible.

The first step is to use the Zymonic Installer Toolkit (or a wrapper e.g. zymobuild) to bring your system up to date and a 'config_build' of each system you wish to connect to Superset.

Next install the superset manifest:

  sudo Installer install --manifests superset

The installer will ask some additional questions related to Superset:

 Superset bin dir - The bin dir of superset (where resides) (currently set to )
 Superset bin dir: /home/superset/.local/bin/
 Superset group - The group that the superset server will run as. (currently set to )
 Superset group: superset
 Superset hostname - The hostname users will use to connect to Superset (currently set to )
 Superset hostname:
 Superset ip address - The IP address superset will listen on (currently set to )
 Superset ip address:
 Superset log directory - The superset log file - will be rotated daily (currently set to )
 Superset log directory: /var/log/superset/superset.log
 Superset master system - The system of which the superusers are also Admin users of Superset (currently set to )
 Superset master system: ztsm
 Superset port - The port on which superset will listen (currently set to )
 Superset port: 8088
 Superset SQLite file - The path of the Superset SQLite file (usually [sqlite home]/.superset/superset.db (currently set to )
 Superset SQLite file: /home/superset/.superset/superset.db
 Superset SSL cert - The path of the Superset SSL certificate file (currently set to )
 Superset SSL cert: /etc/ssl/wildcard/
 Superset SSL key - The path of the Superset SSL key file (currently set to )
 Superset SSL key: /etc/ssl/wildcard/
 Superset user - The user that the superset server will run as. (currently set to )
 Superset user: superset

The values above are examples and may or may not be correct for you system.

Creating a Source

Creating a Chart