Common XML Issues

From Zymonic
Revision as of 16:01, 23 November 2020 by (talk) (Fixed broken link on title, added get_links)

On this page is a collection of common issues encountered when writing XML for Zymonic and any known workarounds or caveats to keep in mind.

Conditions on SaveExtras

The SaveExtras tag is used on Tables to automatically add the contents within to the definition of that table's auto maintenance process, typically Actions and Conditions are added here for some extra control over the process without making a whole new Process for saving records on the table.

While Conditions can be added this way, there's an oversight in how the auto maintenance process is generated where it adds a ConditionCombination that checks for zz_has_changeable_permission or zz_has_appendable_permission to ensure the user has permissions to change the records.

By default, this automatically generated ConditionCombination won't include any Conditions you define by SaveExtras, but putting your own ConditionCombination within the SaveExtras will merge it with the autogenerated permissions check.

Thus, when adding Conditions via SaveExtras, you MUST also add a ConditionCombination containing those Conditions, even if you only have one Condition or are using the default "[condition1] AND [condition2]" behaviour, otherwise they'll be ignored on the Save transition.